• AOD9604
  • AOD9604


AOD 9604 is a modified form of Growth Hormone, which is a 191 amino acid peptide. The last 15 amino acids (176-191) of the Growth Hormone polypeptide have been reproduced as a specific peptide and is called GH Frag 176-191 or AOD 9604.
Lyophilized powder
Door to door
  • AOD9604


While it's best known as a fat-burning peptide, there are plenty of other benefits to using AOD-9604. Here are some to note:

  • Reduces body fat
  • Triggers fat release from obese fat cells predominantly more than lean ones
  • Mimics the way natural growth hormone regulates fat metabolism
  • No adverse effects on blood sugar or growth
  • Stimulates lipolysis
  • Inhibits lipogenesis (the transformation of non-fatty foods into body fat)
  • Favorable cartilage repair and regenerative properties, especially when paired with peptide BPC 157


AOD-9604, also known as Tyr-hGH Frag 176-191, has been proven to have a strong fat-burning capacity without creating a desire to overeat. It doesn't affect blood sugar or tissue growth. (Heffernan 2001 Heffernan 2001, Ng 2000).

AOD-9604 activates degradation and fat burning (oxidation) by a method that doesn't use the hGH receptor; it has its own mechanism of action independent of hGH. Laboratory studies on rodents, pigs, dogs & humans have identified the AOD-9604 mechanism which triggers fat release from the obese fat cells predominantly and works to reduce the accumulation of new fat in fat cells as well as increase fat burning. What is extraordinary about the AOD-9604 is its ability to reduce abdominal fat stores. 

The second most potent fat loss peptide is CJC-1295 since it leads to an increase in overall GH levels in the body (the opposite of what happens typically as individuals age).

This explains one of the reasons people have tended to gain fat as they get older. If your only goal is fat loss, it's usually best to avoid using products GHRP (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or GHRH’s) because they may give you the side effects of increased hunger and raised cortisol. AOD-9604 does not increase hunger or raise cortisol.