• S23
  • S23


S-23, like most SARMs, was developed by SARM development GT-X and is an orally potent nonsteroidal SARM with a high binding affinity for androgen receptors.
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  • S23
S-23, like most SARMs, was developed by SARM development GT-X and is an orally potent nonsteroidal SARM with a high binding affinity for androgen receptors. This makes it more powerful than other popular SARMS such as Ostabolic (MK-2866) or Andarine (S-4). Therefore, the main role of S-23 is to increase muscle mass, reduce fat mass, and also has a therapeutic effect on prostatic hyperplasia and hypertrophy, which can reduce the size of the prostate, but it is still in the early stages of research, and compared to other more common SARM products, S-23 is relatively unpopular.

In addition, in a study conducted on mice, it was shown that a dose equivalent to 15 milligrams (mg) for 180-pound men also increased bone mineral density and promoted muscle mass gain and fat loss. Therefore, the S-23 is very versatile, and he can be casually arranged in a muscle gain or fat loss cycle